jucier krewe.....
i got To escambia High School .
I know people at escambia high school.
i know people that go to escmbia high school that are curious.
i know people at escambia high school that are curious about info. on the juicer krewe.
hince me writing this...
- the krewe consist of 5 people , blaze , pkola. , cass , jdub, and dizzy/
- we are all straight do not even remotly think anybody i fux widd is gay.
- No , we do not lock ourselves in a basement with 50 computers and cameras. We leave the house. you not seeing us , is sumthin you might have to deal widd.
- Nobody in the krewe(atleast to my knowledge) has anything to do with anything concerning camo. , coogi , or tall tees.
- Idk what you heard, buh we do "freaky stuff" widd girls , ima just leave it at that..
- We all have , or plan on going further than pensacola.Do not expect to see us here all the time. we have future plans.
- concerning you gedding in? depends on who you are as a person , gear , affiliation.. etc.
- we dont not just recruit niggas out the blue
- goodbye , goodnight ,and goodluck.
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