Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day ; Single Mother Day.

fATHERS day is a day for the fathers who actually take care of they kids , the fathers who actually talk to they kids and shit like that , support there lil endevuers , and all the lil bullshit kids do naimean . & still love em .

Fathers day is also for all the single mothers who are Doin all that for both the parents , stand ?
The mothers who go work alllllllllll day long and still come home to a fucked house and no spouse buh still have a smile on her face just cuz she gotta good son who stayin outta trouble to come to that same home to.To that mom he does that same grind erryday to support your love for shoes .

thank good for a supportive mom , dad , & Stepfather.

i Got em all . My mother putt up with so much bullshit , even when it was just me her and my sisters , i still had all i need plus more ; a father who is willing to be there even when he dont gotta . A stepfather who pushes me towards accomplishments tht count .

  1. My father.
  2. My mother
  3. My step pops.
  4. Blazes moms.
  5. dizz's mom.

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