Friday, December 12, 2008

"The day The Earth stood still"

firstt off this movie was garbage as fuck from the get go my nigga , it was dumb as shit ; so dont go spend yur gwap to go see that bullshitt.

Basicallyy the whole krewe went to go see it , and we all agreed that it was stupid as shit..

like for one how the fuck is a alien gon fuckin come down to earth then turn into human during a surgery... wtf !
why the hell would you operate on a alien with a gun shot wound?
obviously somebody wanted this bitch dead so , why save his life

they didnt know wtf couldve happened if the cut that bitch open , for al they know they coulda cut him and every penis in te world would grow mold or sum shit like that.

basically its the dumbest shit ive ever seen in my life , soo like if you see a cloud of little bugs eating everthing in site would you stand there and look at it?? no , if a giant sphere popped up in the middle of time square would you go look at it?/ , no !

dontt go see it , for the sake of me !

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